Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Because you can't spell fundamental without FUN

Today I will be giving detailed instructions on how to properly throw and catch a lacrosse ball. It doesn't matter the level of involvement you have in the game, this post is all about reinforcing the basics. You may be in elementary school just starting out, middle school, high school, college or in a men's over 40 league - to know and refine correct technique is vital no matter how old you are. As players grow older, what happens is they start deviating away from the proper form of throwing the ball. Sometimes people develop ways of throwing side-arm or underhand instead of the traditional over-hand way.

For this tutorial you will need the following:
-lacrosse stick
-lacrosse ball
-either a partner, or a hard smooth wall to throw against

After following this five step instructional, you will be able to throw and catch with even the most experienced of lacrosse players.

Step 1: Hand Placement. Place your non-dominant hand near the bottom of the stick, and grasp it firmly. With your dominant hand, place it at the center of the stick, grasping the same way.

Step two: Stance (throwing right-handed) Place a ball in your stick. Raise your arms up making sure your left elbow is completely lifted, making the end of the stick pointed directly towards where you intend to throw the ball, and the pocket with the ball in it hanging over your right shoulder. With both elbows raised and your left elbow up and stick pointed, you are in perfect stance to throw.

Step three: Throwing is all done in one motion. Once in the stance, raise the stick off your shoulder so both arms are raised and the pocket with the ball in it is next to and slightly behind your head. All in one fluid motion now:

-step forward with the left foot
-pull down with your left arm as you push up with your right arm
-follow through with this motion all the way down till the head of the stick is pointed towards the ground.

Your right shoulder should swing down. The ball will leave your stick - don't stop this motion after the ball has left.

Now that you are ready to throw, here is how to properly catch a lacrosse ball:

Step four: Hand placement - catching
The non-dominant hand is in the same place as it would be when throwing, but the dominant hand you want to have placed at the very top of your stick. You want to have it touching the plastic of your head.

Step five: Stance
Get in proper position to catch the ball coming at you. Bend those knees and look the ball in to your stick. You want to make sure that when the ball arrives in the pocket, that you pull back a little bit with your dominant hand, you want to “cushion” the ball in.

Now you are ready to catch and throw. Practice this perfect technique for guaranteed success. Who knows, maybe one day you'll even pass along this knowledge on to someone else eager to learn!

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